Examples of prompt-based tuning

Prompt-based tuning is the latest paradigm to adapt PLMs to downstream NLP tasks, which embeds a textual template into the input text and directly uses the MLM task of PLMs to train models.

Currently support:

Prompt-based Classification

There are three steps to build a prompt-based classifier.

  1. Define a template

from langml.prompt import Template
from langml.tokenizer import WPTokenizer

vocab_path = '/path/to/vocab.txt'

tokenizer = WPTokenizer(vocab_path, lowercase=True)
template = Template(
    #  must specify tokens that are defined in the vocabulary, and the mask token is required
    template=['it', 'was', '[MASK]', '.'],
    # must specify tokens that are defined in the vocabulary.
        'positive': ['good'],
        'negative': ['bad', 'terrible']
  1. Defina a prompt-based model

from langml.prompt import PTuniningPrompt, PTuningForClassification

bert_config_path = '/path/to/bert_config.json'
bert_ckpt_path = '/path/to/bert_model.ckpt'

prompt_model = PTuniningPrompt('bert', bert_config_path, bert_ckpt_path,
                               template, freeze_plm=False, learning_rate=5e-5, encoder='lstm')
prompt_classifier = PTuningForClassification(prompt_model, tokenizer)
  1. Train on dataset

data = [('I do not like this food', 'negative'),
        ('I hate you', 'negative'),
        ('I like you', 'positive'),
        ('I like this food', 'positive')]

X = [d for d, _ in data]
y = [l for _, l in data]

prompt_classifier.fit(X, y, X, y, batch_size=2, epoch=50, model_path='best_model.weight')
# load pretrained model
# prompt_classifier.load('best_model.weight')
print("pred", prompt_classifier.predict('I hate you'))

For more examples visit langml/examples